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Meet the Team

St Patrick's Church, Patterdale, is run entirely by volunteers.


Andrew Callaway


I come from a large family and am the sixth child out of seven. Being the son of an RAF officer, my early life was one of moving and settling into new communities and schools. Life for me settled down when I was in my early twenties, at this time I met and married Carol and we settled in Matlock, Derbyshire. It was here that I came to faith and started attending the evangelical church Carol had been to as a student. Carol was a teacher and I was a car salesman. While in Matlock we fostered children and did this until we started our own family.
We have two children Joshua and Miriam. Josh works in the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick and Mim is a community nurse in Derbyshire. Mim is married to Damien and has a one year old daughter, Edie. Whilst the children were young I trained as a secondary science teacher and followed Carol into teaching.
A house move to Worksop, Nottinghamshire saw us move church too and we joined the Methodist church in the town centre. It was here that we both started to lead worship and run the youth group. I also trained to be a Local Preacher, which is the Methodist equivalent to a Reader.
The love of the Lake District, where I came as a child every year to stay at Skelwith, saw me looking for teaching jobs in Cumbria. Once the children had settled into university and college I took a post in Coniston, and my love of the Lakes deepened. Carol and I prayed about which church we were to join and God led us to St Andrew’s, the Anglican church. Here we worshipped and grew in faith and formed strong links with the church community, and I trained as a Reader. After six years another career move took us to Harrington. It was here that I was called to be ordained, and six years after arriving in Harrington we moved to Silloth for my curacy. Starting my curacy saw me retiring from teaching after twenty seven years as a teacher and manager.
I am a keen cyclist and even enjoy cycling up the hills we have around here! I like to keep old cars on the road and run a 1975 Triumph Spitfire called Hugh. Carol and I enjoy walking our two dogs and trying all the tea shops we can find.

07963 755905


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Philip Brown


Philip is a church warden of over 50 years experience having started in the role when he was just a lad of 17.

Phil does a host of practical jobs including cleaning the church and ringing the bells!  He is a keen walker and might see him coming back from one of his expeditions locally with a rucksack full of freshly caught fish!  

Tel: 017684 82478


Rosemary Spoor


Use this space to write a brief description of what this team member does. You can include relevant degrees, experience or other special qualifications they may have.


Ann Colborne


Use this space to write a brief description of what this team member does. You can include relevant degrees, experience or other special qualifications they may have.

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Mike Town

Director of Music

Mike taught Environmental Sciences (several “ologies”), Music, Economics and Martial Arts in the suburbs of Slough for 36 years.  

He retired to his house near Keswick in 2009 and became Director of Music at St. Patrick’s soon afterwards.  He is an outstanding organist as well as a great bloke! (not necessarily a common combination!). 

As well as playing on Sundays, he plays in 'The organist entertains' in the summer months, and also organises the extensive musical concert programme for St Patrick's, with performers of very high quality.  He also accompanies the Jubilee Singers and Keswick Choral Society.

Mike enjoys reading controversial books, tending his garden and country walking.  He is an expert on predicting local weather, and will tell you the size of raindrops to expect in the forecast!    

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Judith Cartwright

Parish Safeguarding Officer

Judith worked in the food industry for numerous years before retraining to become a secondary school teacher. Her specialist subject was Design and Technology and she taught in a large secondary school on the Midlands. Before her retirement she was a Head of Year responsible for 250 students in her year group.

The family have holidayed in the Dale for well over 30 years and she retired to Patterdale 8 years ago with her husband Stephen and their two springer spaniels Alice and Darcy.

Judith volunteers as a school governor at Patterdale C of E Primary School. She is the Chair of the Safeguarding Committee and sits on the Curriculum Committee. She is also the secretary of Patterdale WI.

She enjoys baking and spending time with her two daughters in London. Prior to health issues she enjoyed running, fell walking and sailing, and she hopes that her fitness will soon return.

PCC Members

Other members of our Church Council are:

Revd Tim Cooke
Gordon Frankland
Jayne Hutchinson
David Ross

©2022 St Patrick's Church, Patterdale.

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